Sunday, March 13, 2011

Morning Glory DVD and a rant

I love Rachel McAdams and the rest of the cast, Jeff Goldblum, Diane Keaton, and Harrison Ford. It's a cute movie. Though I don't think it would have been a great date movie, it was very entertaining. Other than that I don't really having anything interesting to say about the movie.
How do people do that? Really? I mean, find something critical to say over every movie they watch? Now, I understand why some of those reviews are full of shit. I remember reading Rolling Stone and saying to my husband that a critic had panned a movie I really liked over retarded reasons. That they were picking at it because they couldn't think of anything else to say. I totally get that now. If I had a deadline and HAD to write about every movie, well, let's just say, I'd be out of a job

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