Saturday, February 19, 2011

Paranormal Activity 2 DVD

Scary movies strike fear in me cuz I get really into them. In my ever so humble opinion that's the whole point of movies. To allow yourself to be taken into a world created by someone else and follow their rules. Rules like, it's completely normal for characters to break into song, or vampires really do exist. It's our sub-conscience in the backseat driver position that causes us to experience the emotion. So, yeah, scary movie equals me terrified.
When I see a baby in a scary movie, I always say, "if they do anything to the baby, I'm turning off the movie." My husband thinks I'm ridiculous. Well, he sleeps like an angel meanwhile I'm laying there in a panic that something horrible is about to happen to my kids down the hall. Yeah, I know, I'm ridiculous. (Don't tell my husband he's right.) So, when Paranormal Activity 2 opens with newborn's homecoming, I looked and my husband, and he knew what I was thinking. Right off the bat I was hooked.
I begged him to sit next to me as we searched each screen for movement. Hours turned into days, turned into weeks, and we watched as NOTHING HAPPENED. I feel so duped now looking back. As my husband always says, he could have made that movie. And, yet, I liked it. When the scary stuff does start to happen, it's thrilling. It's like watching pranks on youtube, and if you've never done that DUDE, you should totally watch some of those.

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