Thursday, April 7, 2011


DUDE. My husband just got the new surround sound hooked up, and so it made this movie so freakin' awesome. I need to go rent the original. I know it won't be as good as I remember because I was like 4 when I saw it the first time. This sequel was RAD. The effects were awesome.
I must say, however just for conversation, that there a couple interesting parallels to Star Wars. Clue (basically Kevin Flynn's alter-ego) is so Darth Vader-like. All he needed to do was have the breathing thing going on. He is creating an army of programs, and his big weapon program is TRON. In Star Wars, Jango Fett (who served as the genetic template for Boba Fett the bounty hunter hired by Vader), and for all troops in the Clone Army and ultimately for the Imperial Stormtroopers. There are also some scenes with strong Skywalker Obi-Wan chemistry, too.
I will say it again, this movie was RAD.

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